Marketing Opportunities
We help promote YOU!
The following opportunities are available to Chamber members in good standing. Some options include additional fees for service.
If you're interested in one of the following Marketing Opportunities through the Rochester Regional Chamber of Commerce, please contact the Chamber at 248-651-6700 or
*All promotions are subject to change based on Chamber benefits packages and the discretion of the Chamber leadership.

Custom Sponsorship
Design Your Sponsorship!
Looking for more customization in a marketing opportunity through the Chamber?
We have several opportunities to get your business in front of your target market, whether it's sponsoring a monthly event or creating a digital sponsorship - we can help you reach your goals! Meet with our Sponsorship Expert - Maggie Bobitz, President - to design a program that you will love and that meets your business marketing needs!

Website Home Page Ads
$1250, Limited to 4 ads. Featured on the home page of the Chamber website. Ads link to the business’ website.
The Chamber website is a portal to our membership and shares valuable business and community information to our members, community and visitors. The site receives an average of 38,000 visits annually.
Webpage Specific Banner Ads
Choose which page best reaches your target market. Limited to one ad per page. Ads link to the business’ website.
Email & Social Media

RRC Pulse Sponsor - Chamber Weekly eNews
Overall Sponsor-$4000 year
The Chamber’s weekly eNewsletter, RRC Pulse, is delivered electronically to over 3,000 members and opt-in subscribers with an average open rate of 28%. It serves as the Chamber’s primary communication method with members, elected officials, local leaders and the community. Company logo featured in the title bar of every eNewsletter.
Member Ad in RRC Pulse
$100 per issue
Prime placement in the RRC Pulse eNewsletter. Article/advertisement with logo, hyperlink or image included.
Advertisement-$100/issue, $300/month or $3000/year. Ad Spec 300 x 250 Pixels

Member Exclusive eNews - eBlast Program
$125 | Each
Customized eBlast, to all the Chamber’s email database, promoting your exclusive offer, event, or content. Scheduling determined based on editorial/marketing calendar space available.
*Chamber email database can be segmented into a custom, targeted lists to help your reach your audience!

Social Media Promotion
$25 per post- Limited to 2 posts a month
Share your discounts and services or highlight your organization with advertising via the Chamber’s social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, & LinkedIn - a combined total of over 11,000 followers).
Submitting Your Assets - We need your text (limited to 144 characters for Twitter), graphic - sized for platform or a standard Instagram size would work (1080 x 1080 px), and a URL/Hyperlink if you want to include a call to action or more information. *Scheduling is subject to our editorial calendar, but you can request your top 3 dates.
- Text including tags or hashtags
- Graphic
- URL/Hyperlink
- Preferred Dates
Welcome Bag Program

Welcome Bag Sponsor
$1000, 4 available, industry exclusive
Sponsorship includes your logo on the bag for one year along with the ability to include your marketing/promotional item in each bag. The Chamber markets the bags to the community through all social media outlets and via advertisements in local newspapers, magazines and coupon books.
Approximately 1200 per year distributed.
Welcome Bags - Swag & Content
Free for Members
The Chamber offers welcome bags, filled with swag - coupons, promotional items, and useful items for incoming residents and guests. The bags are a great way to market your business while giving you first access to new community members! Participants are asked to bring quantities of 100 items when adding to the bags.
Mailings & Lists
Segmented Membership Lists
$30 per Listing - Limited to 1 /month
Request a Segmented Membership List customized to your target audience! Looking for local realtors, Rochester Hills Businesses, or another custom sorting feature of our membership? We can help! An excel file will be given to you with mailing information.
*We do not give out member email addresses for marketing purposes! If you want a listing with email addresses, please see options for the Member Exclusive eBlast.
New Resident Mailing Labels
$300 for entire year or $25 month
Promote your business directly to new residents of the greater Rochester area. Receive mailing addresses for all new residents the second week of each month in an Excel file. All you have to do is print!
Chamber Member Mailing List
Members can request, once a year for free, all current Chamber member addresses in an Excel file. Additional sets are $25.

Business Resource Package
$1000, 2 available, industry exclusive
Through our partnerships with local municipalities, the Chamber offers a business resource package to all new and relocating businesses in our area. The resource package includes information from the Chamber and local municipalities. They are hand delivered to new and relocating businesses.
Anticipated distribution: 500 per year.